The problem Do you get an error like this when working with Unity? Ambiguous reference: JetBrains.Annotations.UsedImplicitlyAttribute JetBrains.Annotations.UsedImplicitlyAttribute match It’s no...
Why AssemblyResolve in Mono is so fun Idk why its so fun, but I spent so many time figuring it out. Not many really know about how it work but who knows benefits from that a lot, let’s start ;) My...
The problem Have you ever noticed that Harmony.UnpatchAll method unpatches everything, even patches which made in other assemblies if you don’t pass harmonyID? public void UnpatchAll(string harmon...
From time to time I always hear: “No one pays me for the Unit Tests, so why I should do them, hire a Test Engineer for that!” “Unit tests are a waste of time.” “We have to write Unit Tests f...
About Optimization This is such a thing, quite complicated in places, and before we discuss it, we need to understand a few things. The first thing is when we’re doing optimization we know how thi...
The Idea PE (Portable Executable) stores file paths as part of its metadata to ensure that the file can be loaded and executed properly. The file path information is used by the operating system to...
Let’s analyze Say, you’ve opened another crackme or something else that has anti-decompiler protection with tons even if not billions instructions, for example, nop, you will say, Ah, man, I'll jus...
Edit 2/5/2023 This bug was fixed in dnSpyEx 6.3.0 after 1 week after the post, see commit. Source code with bug fix of dnSpyEx 6.3.0, see here, fixes were marked with comments. What’s the pl...
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