Home Billions of Nops - Well for Anti Decompiler?

Billions of Nops - Well for Anti Decompiler?

Let’s analyze

Say, you’ve opened another crackme or something else that has anti-decompiler protection with tons even if not billions instructions, for example, nop, you will say, Ah, man, I'll just write the static deobfuscator or use de4dot, lol, are you kidding me? - answering the question, yeah, you’re probably right, but, what if there’s used different instructions, not just nop, what to do then? What if you were digging potatoes in the garden today and you’re very tired and lazy, and you don’t want to run IDE or create a .cs file and then compile it or even write any code now, in this case, I have a better plan for you.

Recreate the Anti-Decompiler

With such a small code, anyone can prevent you from decompiling, this is sad, isn’t it, yeah?

  • This code just adds a new public static void AntiDnspy() { } in the Module and then adds 100.000 nop instructions, and ret at the end.
    var moduleType = module.GetOrCreateModuleType();
    var factory = module.CorLibTypeFactory;
    var method = new MethodDefinition("AntiDnSpy", MethodAttributes.Public | MethodAttributes.Static,
    var body = method.CilMethodBody = new CilMethodBody(method);
    body.Instructions.Add(new CilInstruction(CilOpCodes.Ret));
    for (var i = 0; i < 100000; i++)
      body.Instructions.Insert(0, new CilInstruction(CilOpCodes.Nop));

Make sure the Anti-Decompiler works fine

Yep, this is crashed… well done!

dnSpy Crash dnSpy Crash

The Better Plan

  1. Install old version of dnSpy 6.1.8 win-32, very important to install 32-bit version!
  2. Open-up your file there, drag-and-drop, whatever you want.
  3. Find the Method.
  4. The thing you’ll see that there’s System.OutOfMemoryException - and this is what we’re looking for, oh yeah :)
  5. Press on the method Edit Method Body....
  6. A bit laggy, wait 1-2 seconds.. (this is more better than crash or lag for a minute in newest dnSpyEx versions)
  7. Magic! We can see the IL code, so now, you can remove the things you don’t like, or even just read the IL code.

Looks better, right?

dnSpy Anti Decompiler fix dnSpy Anti Decompiler fix

dnSpy Anti Decompiler Method body fix dnSpy Anti Decompiler Method body fix

Want more?

Switch C# to IL

You can do the same with the newest versions of dnSpy, you don’t need to install old dnSpy just to see the billions of nops.

dnSpy Anti Decompiler Switch csharp to IL dnSpy Anti Decompiler Switch csharp to IL


I think such protection might good in some cases, but, this is still “antiskid” protection.


To ElektroKill for maintaining the dnSpy(Ex) and fixing the BitMono exploits.

This post is licensed under CC BY 4.0 by the author.

Highly explosive BitMono in dnSpy

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